InnerBloom Recovery Services

About Us

Get to know InnerBloom Recovery Services & how we can help you find lasting recovery.

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Bridging the Gap Between
Treatment & Recovery

Our mission at InnerBloom Recovery Services is to bridge the gap in the treatment process.

Our Mission

Our mission at InnerBloom Recovery Services is to provide compassionate, evidence based care to clients struggling with addiction, through individualized treatment programs and team based support, in order to restore confidence along the recovery journey.

InnerBloom Recovery Services understands that a one size fits all approach is not a solution for sustained life recovery.  We are disrupters in the field of addiction.  Our experienced professional team utilizes evidence-based and individualized strategies, through sober companionship, safe transport and sober coaching services.

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Years in Recovery
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Personal Coaches
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Vetted Providers
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Sober Trips

Why Us?

At InnerBloom Recovery Services we believe in accountability, relationship building, and continuous support. After years of collectively working in the addiction field, we saw first hand the prevalent gap in the treatment process. We believe in the work many treatment centers do, but it is apparent that the most important aspect of a treatment center is the separation it provides from the outside world. This separation is absolutely necessary, and provides a safe haven for those struggling with addiction, but is only a short period of time in the grand scheme of life.

Why We Do What We Do

Over the years, we have seen individuals excel in a treatment setting, but when thrown back into the outside world, struggle immensely to maintain their sobriety. Why? Because life can be extremely difficult to navigate, especially under pressure. Having experience in treatment ourselves, we are told to stay away from people, places and things, but what happens when we can’t just stay away and have to face life head on? Bills, a job, significant others, family, finances, cooking, education, etc. These responsibilities are difficult to manage for anyone, especially those entering early recovery.

That’s where we come in. The staff at InnerBloom Recovery Services, felt it was essential to fill this gap. We aim to be more than just a ‘sober sitter’. We feel that is our duty to be involved in our clients lives, helping them with real life, every day situations. We take the time to understand each client that we have the opportunity to work with- their story, their experiences, and their struggles. We are here to offer life skills, coping mechanisms, and sound advice, but most importantly, we listen. We spend time with not only our individual clients, but the family as a whole, addressing the family dynamic as their loved one begins their recovery journey. When working with our clients, we guide them through each and every situation in their lives, big and small, until they are ready to tackle them on their own.

Whether you are someone struggling with addiction that needs a confidential, alternative to traditional rehab, or someone looking for individualized care around the clock, InnerBloom Recovery Services is here for you.

"The biggest journey in life is from your head to your heart."

Meet Our Team


Founder & CEO

More About Kenny

While growing up in Long Island, New York, drug use was not only highly prevalent, but easily accessible. The lucky ones experimented, but came out relatively unscathed by the epidemic. My older brother and I were not so lucky. We were able to seek out treatment and were successful by most people’s standards, completing university education and starting on the road to successful careers. We were both able to regain the trust of our family members, become influencers in our respective social circles, and establish ourselves as role models for what true recovery looks like.

Always the business entrepreneur at heart, I chose to advance my education to better understand the business side of the healthcare industry.

In the spring of 2019, I was on the verge of completing my Masters degree in Health Administration at the University of Scranton, and finally reuniting in New York with the brother I so looked up to, for his discipline and his desire to be successful. In April 2019, I received that dreaded phone call. Just days after the end of tax season, my brother suddenly and unexpectedly succumbed to a drug overdose after 6 years of complete sobriety.

I have experienced the death of more close friends, acquaintances, and sponsees than anyone my age should see in multiple lifetimes. Yet, the loss of my only sibling and my best friend, along with the devastation that it enacted on my family, became my greatest career motivator. I pursued an administrative residency position with Recovery Health Solutions, IPA, which had received state funding as a Behavioral Health Care Collaborative. In that role, I was able to work alongside experienced professionals on state projects to financially and clinically integrate 52 mental health and substance abuse facilities, with over 400 locations, touching nearly 100,000 patient lives. I am most proud of my contribution to a telepsychiatry project to link patient management across the continuum of care.

As the Covid epidemic took hold, and created job loss, financial hardships, emotional and physical isolation, and interruption of traditional medical care, many of my friends, with hard-earned years of sobriety, relapsed. I knew it was time to harness both my passion and my grief, and launch a new type of addiction service, as a legacy to my brother and to all those I have lost and watched struggle along my own recovery journey. InnerBloom Recovery Services was borne out of my sense of personal loss and gratitude. Through a combined holistic and 12 step model approach, long term recovery is achievable.


Support Staff

Bio Coming Soon


Support Staff

More About Raquel

My name is Raquel Herrera. I am a 37 year old female living in NYC. I live with my baby, Astor.  She is a blue Frenchie and is the absolute love of my life. I grew up in North Woodmere, Long Island with my two sisters, my father who is a doctor, and my mother who is a housewife.  I am a woman in recovery and fully believe that we can all cope with and recover from whatever life throws at us. I, myself, have lost my little sister when she was only 27. All of a sudden I was left without her, my best friend and crutch. Shortly before that, my family and I were to deal with the aftermath of my moms stroke, which left her paralyzed and wheelchair-bound. All of these unexpected occurrences have shaped me into who I am. I am still a believer of faith and someone who is full of love and wants to share that love with others. I think sharing my experiences and helping others truly gives me inner joy and peace. During my spare time, I volunteer for projects at New York Cares. I interact with people of all ages and backgrounds and nothing makes me happier than knowing I was able to make them smile. Making them smile, makes me smile even wider in return. I also absolutely LOVE animals and believe they can really be therapeutic.  I am an active member of AA and often volunteer to speak at detox and psych wards because I know what it’s like to be on the other side. I am a girl who truly believes in miracles, and I believe that people enter our lives for a reason. In my spare time I also love to hang out with my girlfriends who are also all in recovery. We do fun things like throw themed parties, go dancing, and participate in seasonal activities such as camping, apple picking and ice skating. I love traveling with my parents and even bring Astor with me when we go!  The tragedies I’ve been through have taught me to reach out more and be closer to people. I find everyone has something to offer, whether they believe it or not.